• Start

    14:54:36 下午 / 0.741 secs

    05.28.2021 14:54:36 05.28.2021 14:54:36 0.741 secs
    Info 下午 02:54:36 Start page.
    Pass 下午 02:54:36 pass
  • Device

    14:54:37 下午 / 3.89 secs

    05.28.2021 14:54:37 05.28.2021 14:54:40 3.89 secs
    Info 下午 02:54:38 device list page
    Info 下午 02:54:40
    Info 下午 02:54:40 Current ID :WM_iot_test08
    Info 下午 02:54:40 Current MAC :18:04:ED:6E:5F:53
    Info 下午 02:54:40 Current RSSI :-41 dbm
    Pass 下午 02:54:40 pass
  • SetNewDevice

    14:54:41 下午 / 5.453 secs

    05.28.2021 14:54:41 05.28.2021 14:54:46 5.453 secs
    Info 下午 02:54:44 Set New Device Page.
    Info 下午 02:54:46 Auto input new password test.
    Pass 下午 02:54:46 pass
  • Login

    14:54:46 下午 / 4.077 secs

    05.28.2021 14:54:46 05.28.2021 14:54:50 4.077 secs
    Info 下午 02:54:48 Login device page.
    Info 下午 02:54:49 Auto input wrong password test.
    Info 下午 02:54:50 Auto input password.
    Pass 下午 02:54:50 pass
  • Navigation bar

    14:54:50 下午 / 6.383 secs

    Navigation bar
    05.28.2021 14:54:50 05.28.2021 14:54:57 6.383 secs
    Info 下午 02:54:56 After click navigation bar button.
    Info 下午 02:54:57 There are several sub title below :
    Info 下午 02:54:57
    Pass 下午 02:54:57 open / close navigation bar success.
  • Dashboard

    14:54:57 下午 / 10.869 secs

    05.28.2021 14:54:57 05.28.2021 14:55:08 10.869 secs
    Info 下午 02:54:58 Terminal Block main page.
    Info 下午 02:55:06 Scroll to Relay text.
    Info 下午 02:55:08 The data on this page is :
    Info 下午 02:55:08
    Pass 下午 02:55:08 pass
    Dashboard page log :
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 01020000000479c9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01020100a188
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 0101000000043dc9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010100040002fc0a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010404310004a136
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0104080000000000000000240d
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 01040000000271cb
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 010404b964cee90ae9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010400020002d00b
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010400040002300a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 01040006000291ca
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010400080002f009
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 0104000A000251c9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010304000006c4f8
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01030c000501020215031302150313dbb0
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010303050004544c
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0103080003000200000000df17
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01020100a188
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 01020000000479c9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 0101000000043dc9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010100040002fc0a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010404310004a136
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0104080000000000000000240d
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040438080c53321b
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 01040000000271cb
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010400020002d00b
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010400040002300a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 01040006000291ca
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010400080002f009
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 0104000A000251c9
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010304000006c4f8
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 01030c000501020215031302150313dbb0
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Req] 010303050004544c
    Info 下午 02:55:08 Dashboard: [Rsp] 0103080003000200000000df17
  • I/O

    14:55:12 下午 / 17.019 secs

    05.28.2021 14:55:12 05.28.2021 14:55:29 17.019 secs
    Info 下午 02:55:15 I/O page.
    Info 下午 02:55:23 Scroll to Relay text.
    Info 下午 02:55:25 The data on this page is :
    Info 下午 02:55:25
    Pass 下午 02:55:29 pass
    IO page log:
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 01020100a188
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 0110030600010200009536
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 0101000000043dc9
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010100040002fc0a
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010404310004a136
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 0104080000000000000000240d
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 01040000000271cb
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 010404b85870b33a82
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010400020002d00b
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010400040002300a
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 01040006000291ca
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010400080002f009
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 0104000A000251c9
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 01030c000501020215031302150313dbb0
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010304000006c4f8
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Req] 010303050004544c
    Info 下午 02:55:29 I/O : [Rsp] 0103080003000200000000df17
  • GateWay

    14:55:29 下午 / 31.615 secs

    05.28.2021 14:55:29 05.28.2021 14:56:01 31.615 secs
    Info 下午 02:55:33 Gateway page.
    Info 下午 02:55:35 Slave Request Toggle page.
    Info 下午 02:55:41 After click toggle button.
    Info 下午 02:55:48 After click toggle again.
    Info 下午 02:55:52 Modbus RTU Page.
    Info 下午 02:56:00 Modbus Slave Page.
    Info 下午 02:56:00 Modbus Slave detail page.
    Pass 下午 02:56:01 pass.
  • DeviceInfo

    14:56:01 下午 / 20.037 secs

    05.28.2021 14:56:01 05.28.2021 14:56:21 20.037 secs
    Info 下午 02:56:06 The device info page.
    Info 下午 02:56:06 Serial number: iot_test08
    Info 下午 02:56:07 Bluetooth UUID: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000
    Info 下午 02:56:07 MCU UUID: 12466768-64A9-426a-A2E8-ABFDB016B24
    Info 下午 02:56:07 NB_RSSI: 0 dBm
    Info 下午 02:56:07 NB_RSRQ: 0 dBm
    Info 下午 02:56:08 NB_RSRP: 0 dBm
    Info 下午 02:56:08 NB_SINR: 0 dBm
    Info 下午 02:56:09 Reset password page.
    Pass 下午 02:56:21 Reset Device Name pass.
    Pass 下午 02:56:21 Reset Password pass.
  • ReLogin

    14:56:21 下午 / 29.691 secs

    05.28.2021 14:56:21 05.28.2021 14:56:50 29.691 secs
    Info 下午 02:56:24 After restart app.
    Info 下午 02:56:27 Choose device again.
    Info 下午 02:56:37 Current Device Info :WillyAppium_202105281456
    Info 下午 02:56:38 Auto input reset password.
    Pass 下午 02:56:50 pass
  • Network Status

    14:56:50 下午 / 22.071 secs

    Network Status
    05.28.2021 14:56:50 05.28.2021 14:57:12 22.071 secs
    Info 下午 02:56:57 Network status page.
    Info 下午 02:56:58 RSSI: 0 dBm
    Info 下午 02:56:58 NETWORK PRIORITY: No Service
    Info 下午 02:56:58 MCC: 0
    Info 下午 02:56:58 ORDER NUMBER: ium_202105281456
    Info 下午 02:56:58 BAND CatM1: null
    Info 下午 02:56:59 BAND NB1: null
    Warning 下午 02:57:12 Apply button not work.
    Network setting log :
  • Cloud Setting

    14:57:12 下午 / 17.041 secs

    Cloud Setting
    05.28.2021 14:57:12 05.28.2021 14:57:29 17.041 secs
    Info 下午 02:57:15 Cloud setting page.
    Info 下午 02:57:16 CLOUD_CONFIG: 0
    Info 下午 02:57:16 MQTT Broker:
    Info 下午 02:57:16 BROKER_PORT: 0
    Info 下午 02:57:16 CLIENT ID:
    Info 下午 02:57:16 USER NAME:
    Info 下午 02:57:17 USER PASSWORD:
    Info 下午 02:57:28 After Cloud setting edited.
    Info 下午 02:57:28 After cloud setting edited :
    Info 下午 02:57:28 CLOUD_CONFIG: 2
    Info 下午 02:57:29 MQTT Broker:
    Info 下午 02:57:29 BROKER_PORT: 1233
    Info 下午 02:57:29 CLIENT ID: AppiumTest
    Info 下午 02:57:29 USER NAME: Appium
    Info 下午 02:57:29 USER PASSWORD: 123456
  • RemoteControl

    14:57:29 下午 / 15.085 secs

    05.28.2021 14:57:29 05.28.2021 14:57:45 15.085 secs
    Info 下午 02:57:32 Remote control page.
    Info 下午 02:57:34 Remote control start page.
    Info 下午 02:57:42 Remote control website page.
    Pass 下午 02:57:45 Remote control access success.
  • LogCat Message

    14:57:45 下午 / 0.161 secs

    LogCat Message
    05.28.2021 14:57:45 05.28.2021 14:57:45 0.161 secs
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Start proc 12672:com.oringnet.wm/u0a306 for activity {com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity}
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Killing 12672:com.oringnet.wm/u0a306 (adj 0): stop com.oringnet.wm
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 12672
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Forked child process 12672
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Process 12672 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Current DefaultTypeface ( default_roboto )
    Info 下午 02:57:45 VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Installing application
    Info 下午 02:57:45 VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Installing application
    Info 下午 02:57:45 VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
    Info 下午 02:57:45 FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 windowLightStatusBar : false, disable View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR
    Info 下午 02:57:45 /storage/emulated/0/Download
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create ODimmingSQL.db
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [needTouchEventFilter] Displayid : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 getdisplaysize, x : 720 y : 1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0](this:0x79822bb000,id:4950,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0](this:0x79822bb000,id:4950,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=720 height=1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x7982201800,id:4951,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x7982201800,id:4951,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=285 height=70
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0](this:0x7982329000,id:4952,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0](this:0x7982329000,id:4952,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=720 height=1533
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb9f000,id:4953,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb9f000,id:4953,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=720 height=1533
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44d000,id:4955,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44d000,id:4955,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4956,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4956,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=171 height=70
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4957,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4957,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=720 height=1600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4959,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4959,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f4800,id:4960,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f4800,id:4960,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44e800,id:4961,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44e800,id:4961,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3df000,id:4962,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3df000,id:4962,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226e000,id:4963,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226e000,id:4963,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226f800,id:4964,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226f800,id:4964,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x79822b8000,id:4965,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x79822b8000,id:4965,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4966,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4966,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229c000,id:4967,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229c000,id:4967,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4968,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4968,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229d800,id:4969,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setConsumerName: com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229d800,id:4969,api:0,p:-1,c:800) setDefaultBufferSize: width=126 height=126
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x79822e7000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0 (720 x 1600)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798232c000) Toast@12672#0 (285 x 70)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (Toast@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x7982261000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0 (720 x 1533)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x79822e7000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x79822e7000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798232c000) Toast@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798232c000) Toast@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798ebcd000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e422000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0 (720 x 1533)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798ebcd000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e3df000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x7982261000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e405000) Toast@12672#0 (171 x 70)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e3df000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (Toast@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (Toast@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e45b000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e405000) Toast@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e45b000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798eb8d000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0 (720 x 1600)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e422000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798eb85000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798eb85000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798ebfb000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798ebfb000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e40d000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e40d000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798eb97000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798eb97000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x7982329000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x7982329000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798222f000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798222f000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x798229c000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798229c000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798229c000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e3e4000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x7982261000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e3e4000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x7982261000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x797e428000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Create BufferLayer(0x79822bb000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2 (126 x 126)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x797e428000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x79822bb000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x79822bb000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 screenshot (com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798eb8d000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Remove BufferLayer(0x798eb8d000) com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0 (-1 x -1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 @gpudInitialize: successfully initialized with 1, dbg=0 mmdump_dbg=0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x77704ea000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x77704ea000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x77704ea000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x777064e000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x777064e000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x777064e000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x7770614000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x7770614000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x7770614000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x777064e000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x77704ea000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770c0f5000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770c0f5000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770c0f5000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770c0f5000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770c349000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770c349000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770c349000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770c39e000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770c39e000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770c39e000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x7770614000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x7770614000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x7770614000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x7770614000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770c39e000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770c7a3000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770c7a3000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770c7a3000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x7770614000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770c7a3000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770ab02000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770ab02000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770ab02000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770c349000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x77703a0000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x77703a0000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x77703a0000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x77703a0000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770ab95000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770ab95000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770ab95000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770ab95000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770adb4000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770adb4000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770adb4000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770adb4000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770ace9000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770ace9000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770ace9000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770ace9000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770ae7c000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770ae7c000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770ae7c000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770ae7c000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770ac22000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770ac22000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770ac22000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770ac22000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770ade5000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770ade5000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770ade5000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770ade5000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770825f000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770825f000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770825f000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770825f000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x7708276000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x7708276000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x7708276000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x7708276000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x770c39e000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x770c39e000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x770c39e000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x770c39e000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::connect(this=0x77082b0000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x77082b0000,bufferCount=3)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0x77082b0000)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Surface::disconnect(this=0x77082b0000,api=1)
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0](this:0x79822bb000,id:4950,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x7982201800,id:4951,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0](this:0x79822bb000,id:4950,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=2.10 dur=1425.51 max=1201.75 min=38.44
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0](this:0x7982329000,id:4952,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x7982201800,id:4951,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0](this:0x79822bb000,id:4950,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb9f000,id:4953,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0](this:0x7982329000,id:4952,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=0.61 dur=4914.44 max=4751.51 min=58.00
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb9f000,id:4953,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44d000,id:4955,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0](this:0x7982329000,id:4952,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4956,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44d000,id:4955,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.33 dur=2255.97 max=1322.40 min=121.56
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.85 dur=1082.22 max=564.61 min=517.60
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4957,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4956,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4957,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.67 dur=1200.07 max=1183.47 min=16.60
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=0.77 dur=1301.50 max=1301.50 min=1301.50
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.71 dur=1167.91 max=648.19 min=519.73
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=11.60 dur=1034.08 max=141.87 min=28.90
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=12.35 dur=1538.19 max=1064.70 min=7.43
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=16.53 dur=1633.24 max=1179.66 min=8.99
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=12.01 dur=1414.91 max=1149.23 min=11.62
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=31.66 dur=1042.33 max=181.13 min=6.62
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=19.81 dur=1009.46 max=258.28 min=13.23
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.53 dur=1966.81 max=1934.96 min=15.91
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=60.07 dur=1015.50 max=19.89 min=13.11
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.91 dur=1001.44 max=21.55 min=13.13
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.94 dur=1001.07 max=19.77 min=13.88
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=60.09 dur=1015.21 max=19.79 min=13.89
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=11.60 dur=3017.79 max=2067.33 min=8.16
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.99 dur=1000.21 max=19.43 min=13.61
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.94 dur=1000.99 max=20.35 min=12.90
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=54.84 dur=1002.94 max=114.08 min=8.71
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.95 dur=1017.59 max=18.44 min=14.21
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=41.26 dur=1017.98 max=332.40 min=13.07
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=11.84 dur=1013.83 max=833.95 min=13.86
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=27.21 dur=1028.96 max=299.16 min=9.12
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=18.92 dur=1003.98 max=164.67 min=15.16
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=2.78 dur=1799.84 max=1735.04 min=13.78
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=60.00 dur=1016.63 max=21.10 min=12.33
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.97 dur=1000.51 max=20.12 min=13.24
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.93 dur=1001.12 max=19.75 min=14.19
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.98 dur=1000.41 max=20.37 min=12.80
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=11.87 dur=2949.73 max=2000.78 min=14.26
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=59.96 dur=1000.59 max=18.43 min=14.30
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=60.08 dur=1015.27 max=20.00 min=12.99
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=36.84 dur=1004.22 max=395.16 min=13.43
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=60.21 dur=1013.06 max=20.27 min=13.09
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=18.79 dur=1756.48 max=1223.72 min=12.16
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=19.32 dur=1397.43 max=967.10 min=13.96
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4959,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=30.58 dur=1242.76 max=625.34 min=7.87
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4959,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=22.92 dur=1788.58 max=1029.68 min=6.52
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=40.79 dur=1005.21 max=332.07 min=7.62
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=28.76 dur=1147.61 max=318.32 min=13.90
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=42.33 dur=1015.93 max=317.61 min=14.46
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=26.44 dur=1134.56 max=334.56 min=13.16
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=40.98 dur=1000.43 max=330.19 min=7.45
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f4800,id:4960,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f4800,id:4960,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44e800,id:4961,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=11.03 dur=1540.56 max=786.44 min=8.55
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44e800,id:4961,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=28.73 dur=1009.36 max=424.85 min=8.53
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=40.96 dur=1001.01 max=333.55 min=12.99
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=26.43 dur=1135.07 max=348.87 min=13.12
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=43.32 dur=1015.60 max=304.92 min=13.41
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=27.78 dur=1116.05 max=318.46 min=13.39
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=42.19 dur=1019.09 max=319.35 min=13.43
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3df000,id:4962,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3df000,id:4962,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226e000,id:4963,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=8.21 dur=1826.34 max=861.12 min=7.84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226e000,id:4963,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=5.37 dur=1861.80 max=1358.06 min=14.70
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226f800,id:4964,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=8.36 dur=1315.10 max=650.51 min=10.06
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=18.96 dur=1054.73 max=355.18 min=7.70
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=20.79 dur=1058.16 max=100.12 min=6.48
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=20.62 dur=1066.92 max=97.58 min=6.26
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=20.58 dur=1068.89 max=94.25 min=6.43
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226f800,id:4964,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=7.48 dur=2406.24 max=1523.40 min=4.10
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=8.80 dur=1591.56 max=745.32 min=8.62
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=22.82 dur=1183.13 max=750.39 min=11.82
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x79822b8000,id:4965,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=32.24 dur=1023.51 max=145.80 min=9.73
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x79822b8000,id:4965,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=4.36 dur=1146.47 max=361.35 min=95.46
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.29 dur=1545.56 max=1537.96 min=7.60
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=9.00 dur=1888.25 max=1622.17 min=14.94
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=6.75 dur=1333.69 max=683.28 min=15.33
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.76 dur=1137.55 max=615.84 min=521.70
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=1.87 dur=1067.00 max=558.61 min=508.39
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4966,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4966,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=7.69 dur=1040.77 max=667.76 min=13.97
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229c000,id:4967,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=12.97 dur=1002.21 max=321.71 min=7.35
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229c000,id:4967,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=4.49 dur=1557.92 max=668.03 min=8.25
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=3.35 dur=1195.56 max=652.33 min=10.90
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4968,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4968,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=6.86 dur=1166.76 max=701.55 min=14.11
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229d800,id:4969,api:1,p:12672,c:800) connect(P): api=1 producer=(12672:com.oringnet.wm) producerControlledByApp=false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=8.62 dur=1044.54 max=314.38 min=7.01
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) queueBuffer: fps=7.51 dur=1065.46 max=375.62 min=7.12
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229d800,id:4969,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:12672,c:800) disconnect(P): api 1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 mapper 3.x is not supported
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.067 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.067 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822e7000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.250 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822e7000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.250 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822e7000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.640 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822e7000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.640 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822e7000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.975 | 0 0 720 1599 | 0.0 1.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.713 | 0 374 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1226.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.840 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822e7000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.975 | 0 0 720 1599 | 0.0 1.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.713 | 0 374 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1226.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.840 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.247 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798232c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.247 | 217 1460 502 1530 | 0.0 0.0 285.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798ebcd000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798ebcd000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.994 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.232 | 0 384 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1216.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.994 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.232 | 0 384 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1216.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.648 | 0 42 720 1575 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 138 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1462.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 831 419 949 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.648 | 0 42 720 1575 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 138 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1462.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 831 419 949 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.582 | 0 40 720 1573 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 117 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1483.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.525 | 300 809 420 929 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.582 | 0 40 720 1573 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 117 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1483.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.525 | 300 809 420 929 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 297 756 423 882 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 297 756 423 882 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 297 756 423 882 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.063 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3df000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 297 756 423 882 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.063 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.781 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.781 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.910 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.910 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e45b000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.287 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.999 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e45b000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.287 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.999 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.067 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e405000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.067 | 274 1460 445 1530 | 0.0 0.0 171.0 70.0 | Toast@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 67 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.974 | 0 66 720 1599 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.741 | 0 306 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1294.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.974 | 0 66 720 1599 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.741 | 0 306 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1294.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.940 | 0 63 720 1596 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 282 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1318.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e422000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.940 | 0 63 720 1596 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1533.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 282 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1318.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 34 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1566.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 34 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1566.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb85000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb85000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb85000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.538 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb85000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.538 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798ebfb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798ebfb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e40d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e40d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb97000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb97000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982329000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982329000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798222f000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.287 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798222f000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.287 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798229c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798229c000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3e4000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3e4000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3e4000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.525 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e3e4000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.525 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.538 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.538 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.704 | 299 758 421 880 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x7982261000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.704 | 299 758 421 880 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e428000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x797e428000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822bb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822bb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.303 | 301 760 419 878 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822bb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.525 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822bb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.525 | 300 759 420 879 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822bb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.704 | 299 758 421 880 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x79822bb000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0.704 | 299 758 421 880 | 0.0 0.0 126.0 126.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0x798eb8d000 | DEVICE | 0 | 1.000 | 0 0 720 1600 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0 | com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@c6b8896 time:679438004
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@29627d7 time:679439757
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@6d438ec time:679445054
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@86183c5 time:679454150
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
    Info 下午 02:57:45 ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
    Info 下午 02:57:45 The Process com.oringnet.wm Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 12672
    Info 下午 02:57:45 The Process com.oringnet.wm Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 12672
    Info 下午 02:57:45 The Process com.oringnet.wm Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 12672
    Info 下午 02:57:45 handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@29627d7
    Info 下午 02:57:45 handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@6d438ec
    Info 下午 02:57:45 handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@86183c5
    Info 下午 02:57:45 startLeScan(): null
    Info 下午 02:57:45 isLeEnabled(): ON
    Info 下午 02:57:45 stopLeScan()
    Info 下午 02:57:45 isLeEnabled(): ON
    Info 下午 02:57:45 stopLeScan()
    Info 下午 02:57:45 scan not started yet
    Info 下午 02:57:45 onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=8 mScannerId=0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 device detected ------ name: WM_iot_test08 mac: 18:04:ED:6E:5F:53 Rssi: -41 scanRecord: 02 01 06 11 06 9e ca dc 24 0e e5 a9 e0 93 f3 a3 b5 01 00 40 6e 06 ff 0d 00 c0 ff ee 15 09 57 4d 5f 69 6f 74 5f 74 65 73 74 30 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 12 50 00 20 03 02 0a 00 00 00 00
    Info 下午 02:57:45 connect device: WM_iot_test08
    Info 下午 02:57:45 mac: 18:04:ED:6E:5F:53
    Info 下午 02:57:45 autoConnect: false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 currentThread: 2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 connectCount:1
    Info 下午 02:57:45 BluetoothGattCallback:onConnectionStateChange
    Info 下午 02:57:45 status: 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 newState: 2
    Info 下午 02:57:45 currentThread: 16275
    Info 下午 02:57:45 BluetoothGattCallback:onServicesDiscovered
    Info 下午 02:57:45 status: 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 currentThread: 16275
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.LoginActivity@12672#0](this:0x79822bb000,id:4950,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x7982201800,id:4951,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb9f000,id:4953,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLEScanActivity@12672#0](this:0x7982329000,id:4952,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44d000,id:4955,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Toast@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4956,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4957,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.ble.BLECreateActivity@12672#0](this:0x798eba0800,id:4954,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4959,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f4800,id:4960,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e44e800,id:4961,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3df000,id:4962,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226e000,id:4963,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798226f800,id:4964,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x79822b8000,id:4965,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x797e3f3000,id:4966,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229c000,id:4967,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#1](this:0x798eb50000,id:4968,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#2](this:0x798229d800,id:4969,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [com.oringnet.wm/com.oring.SlideActivity@12672#0](this:0x798ea0a000,id:4958,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
    Info 下午 02:57:45 connect() - device: 18:04:ED:6E:5F:53, auto: false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 registerApp()
    Info 下午 02:57:45 registerApp() - UUID=8bd1bc47-a572-451d-a072-7886bfab1715
    Info 下午 02:57:45 onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=9 device=18:04:ED:6E:5F:53
    Info 下午 02:57:45 onConnectionUpdated() - Device=18:04:ED:6E:5F:53 interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 discoverServices() - device: 18:04:ED:6E:5F:53
    Info 下午 02:57:45 onSearchComplete() = Device=18:04:ED:6E:5F:53 Status=0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 onConnectionUpdated() - Device=18:04:ED:6E:5F:53 interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 6f695f74657474733830
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 6f695f74657474733830
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 3176312e74733530
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 362e657435300047
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 323134333635
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 6f695f74657474733830
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 3176312e74733530
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 362e657435300047
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 393939393939
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 69576c6c4179707075695f6d303231323530383234313635
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 6f695f74657474733830
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 3176312e74733530
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 362e657435300047
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 393939393939
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : NULL
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : WillyAppium_202105281456
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 123456
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 999999
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 999999
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 123456
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 123456
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 觸發 將第 0項, 切換成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 觸發 將第 2項, 切換成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 0項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 初始 將第 2項, 設定成 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 :
    Info 下午 02:57:45 false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 false
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 Already on the UI thread, this method should not be called from the main application thread
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 587.9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 587.9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 587.9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 587.9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 587.9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 587.9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0.0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : b964cee9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 4412f99a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 4412f99a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 38080c53
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 4412f99a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 4412f99a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : b85870b3
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 4412f99a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 4412f99a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 01020000000479c9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01020100a188
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 0101000000043dc9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010100040002fc0a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010404310004a136
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0104080000000000000000240d
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 01040000000271cb
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 010404b964cee90ae9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010400020002d00b
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010400040002300a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 01040006000291ca
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010400080002f009
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 0104000A000251c9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010304000006c4f8
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01030c000501020215031302150313dbb0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010303050004544c
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0103080003000200000000df17
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01020100a188
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 01020000000479c9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 0101000000043dc9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010100040002fc0a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 010101005188
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010404310004a136
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0104080000000000000000240d
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040438080c53321b
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 01040000000271cb
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010400020002d00b
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010400040002300a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 01040006000291ca
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010400080002f009
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0104044412f99a8d4a
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 0104000A000251c9
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01040400000000fb84
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010304000006c4f8
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 01030c000501020215031302150313dbb0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Req] 010303050004544c
    Info 下午 02:57:45 [Rsp] 0103080003000200000000df17
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0003000200000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0003000200000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0003000200000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 @@!!
    Info 下午 02:57:45 @@!!
    Info 下午 02:57:45 @@!!
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE UP TO DOWN vectorVelocity:1055
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE DOWN TO UP vectorVelocity:-1112
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE UP TO DOWN vectorVelocity:1132
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE UP TO DOWN vectorVelocity:1266
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE UP TO DOWN vectorVelocity:1187
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE DOWN TO UP vectorVelocity:-1166
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE UP TO DOWN vectorVelocity:1167
    Info 下午 02:57:45 CHANGE UP TO DOWN vectorVelocity:1055
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 003c
    Info 下午 02:57:45 003c
    Info 下午 02:57:45 003c
    Info 下午 02:57:45 @@
    Info 下午 02:57:45 999999
    Info 下午 02:57:45 999999
    Info 下午 02:57:45 uid=10306(com.oringnet.wm) identical 30 lines
    Info 下午 02:57:45 uid=10306(com.oringnet.wm) identical 6 lines
    Info 下午 02:57:45 >> 0
    Info 下午 02:57:45 >> 8
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : here
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : here
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00FF
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00FF0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00FF
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00FF0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 0000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 00000000
    Info 下午 02:57:45 : 9600
    Info 下午 02:57:45 >> 8
    Info 下午 02:57:45 true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 true
    Info 下午 02:57:45 !!
    Info 下午 02:57:45 !!


五月 28, 2021 02:54:35 下午


五月 28, 2021 02:57:45 下午

Tests Passed


Tests Failed


Log events